管理番号 | 新品 :91708413 | 発売日 | 2024/05/24 | 定価 | 60,000円 | 型番 | 91708413 | ||
カテゴリ |
FORTINET fortigate 100E出品です。ー本体のみーテストログは下記の内容をご確認ください。同商品が数台ありシリアルナンバーなどが異なることもありますのでご参考ください。
** FortiGate-100E S/N : FG100ETK19018886** ! Login ID : admin (Factory default)* ! PW : none*
FortiGate-100E (12:19-01.31.2017)Ver:05000008Serial number: FG100ETK19018886CPU: 1000MHzTotal RAM: 4 GBInitializing boot device...Initializing MAC... nplite#0Please wait for OS to boot, or press any key to display configuration menu......
Booting OS...Reading boot image... 2722487 bytes.Initializing firewall...
System is starting...
FG100ETK19018886 login: adminadminPassword:Welcome !
FG100ETK19018886 #FG100ETK19018886 #FG100ETK19018886 # execute factoryresetThis operation will reset the system to factory default!Do you want to continue? (y/n)y
System is resetting to factory default...
The system is going down NOW !!
FG100ETK19018886 #Please stand by while rebooting the system.Restarting system.
FortiGate-100E (12:19-01.31.2017)Ver:05000008Serial number: FG100ETK19018886CPU: 1000MHzTotal RAM: 4 GBInitializing boot device...Initializing MAC... nplite#0Please wait for OS to boot, or press any key to display configuration menu......
Booting OS...Reading boot image... 2722487 bytes.
FG100ETK19018722 login: adminPassword:Welcome !
FG100ETK19018722 #FG100ETK19018722 #FG100ETK19018722 # execute factoryresetThis operation will reset the system to factory default!Do you want to continue? (y/n)y
System is resetting to factory default...
The system is going down NOW !!
FG100ETK19018722 #Please stand by while rebooting the system.Restarting system.
FortiGate-100E (12:19-01.31.2017)Ver:05000008Serial number: FG100ETK19018722CPU: 1000MHzTotal RAM: 4 GBInitializing boot device...Initializing MAC... nplite#0Please wait for OS to boot, or press any key to display configuration menu......
Booting OS...Reading boot image... 2722487 bytes.Initializing firewall...
System is starting...
FG100ETK19018722 login: adminPassword:Welcome !
FG100ETK19018722 #FG100ETK19018722 #FG100ETK19018722 # execute datecurrent date is: 2022-01-26
FG100ETK19018722 #FG100ETK19018722 #FG100ETK19018722 # execute timecurrent time is: 19:47:15last ntp sync: never
FG100ETK19018722 #FG100ETK19018722 #FG100ETK19018722 # get hardware statusModel name: FortiGate-100EASIC version: SOC3ASIC SRAM: 64MCPU: ARMv7Number of CPUs: 4RAM: 3039 MBEMMC: 3662 MB(MLC) /dev/mmcblk0Hard disk: not availableUSB Flash: not availableNetwork Card chipset: FortiASIC NP6LITE Adapter (rev.)
FG100ETK19018722 #FG100ETK19018722 #FG100ETK19018722 # get hardware cpuProcessor : ARMv7 Processor rev 1 (v7l)processor : 0BogoMIPS : 2007.04
processor : 1BogoMIPS : 2007.04
processor : 2BogoMIPS : 2007.04
processor : 3BogoMIPS : 2007.04
Features : swp half thumb fastmult vfp edsp thumbee vfpv3 vfpv3d16 tlsCPU implementer : 0x41CPU architecture: 7CPU variant : 0x4CPU part : 0xc09CPU revision : 1
Hardware : FSoC3_ASICRevision : 0000Serial : 0000000000000000
FG100ETK19018722 #FG100ETK19018722 #FG100ETK19018722 # get system statusVersion: FortiGate-100E v6.0.6,build0272,190716 (GA)Virus-DB: 1.00000(2018-04-09 18:07)Extended DB: 1.00000(2018-04-09 18:07)IPS-DB: 6.00741(2015-12-01 02:30)IPS-ETDB: 0.00000(2001-01-01 00:00)APP-DB: 18.00072(2021-05-04 00:24)INDUSTRIAL-DB: 6.00741(2015-12-01 02:30)Serial-Number: FG100ETK19018722IPS Malicious URL Database: 3.00228(2021-12-27 01:23)Botnet DB: 4.00626(2020-01-13 19:19)BIOS version: 05000008System Part-Number: P18827-04Log hard disk: Not availableHostname: FG100ETK19018722Operation Mode: NATCurrent virtual domain: rootMax number of virtual domains: 10Virtual domains status: 1 in NAT mode, 0 in TP modeVirtual domain configuration: disableFIPS-CC mode: disableCurrent HA mode: standaloneBranch point: 0272Release Version Information: GASystem time: Wed Jan 26 19:48:29 2022
FG100ETK19018722 #FG100ETK19018722 #FG100ETK19018722 # get system interface== [ dmz ]name: dmz mode: static ip: status: up netbios-forward: disable type: physical netflow-sampler: disable sflow-sampler: disable scan-botnet-connections: disable src-check: enable mtu-override: disable wccp: disable drop-overlapped-fragment: disable drop-fragment: disable== [ mgmt ]name: mgmt ip: status: up netbios-forward: disable type: physical netflow-sampler: disable sflow-sampler: disable scan-botnet-connections: disable src-check: enable mtu-override: disable wccp: disable drop-overlapped-fragment: disable drop-fragment: disable == [ wan1 ]name: wan1 mode: dhcp ip: status: up netbios-forward: disable type: physical netflow-sampler: disable sflow-sampler: disable scan-botnet-connections: disable src-check: enable mtu-override: disable wccp: disable drop-overlapped-fragment: disable drop-fragment: disable== [ wan2 ]name: wan2 mode: dhcp ip: status: up netbios-forward: disable type: physical netflow-sampler: disable sflow-sampler: disable scan-botnet-connections: disable src-check: enable mtu-override: disable wccp: disable drop-overlapped-fragment: disable drop-fragment: disable== [ ha1 ]name: ha1 mode: static ip: status: up netbios-forward: disable type: physical netflow-sampler: disable sflow-sampler: disable scan-botnet-connections: disable src-check: enable mtu-override: disable wccp: disable drop-overlapped-fragment: disable drop-fragment: disable== [ ha2 ]name: ha2 mode: static ip: status: up netbios-forward: disable type: physical netflow-sampler: disable sflow-sampler: disable scan-botnet-connections: disable src-check: enable mtu-override: disable wccp: disable drop-overlapped-fragment: disable drop-fragment: disable== [ modem ]name: modem mode: pppoe ip: netbios-forward: disable type: physical netflow-sampler: disable sflow-sampler: disable scan-botnet-connections: disable src-check: enable mtu-override: disable wccp: disable drop-overlapped-fragment: disable drop-fragment: disable== [ ssl.root ]name: ssl.root ip: status: up netbios-forward: disable type: tunnel netflow-sampler: disable sflow-sampler: disable scan-botnet-connections: disable src-check: enable wccp: disable== [ lan ]name: lan mode: static ip: status: up netbios-forward: disable type: hard-switch netflow-sampler: disable sflow-sampler: disable scan-botnet-connections: disable src-check: enable mtu-override: disable wccp: disable drop-overlapped-fragment: disable drop-fragment: disable
FG100ETK19018722 #FG100ETK19018722 #
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